Saturday, March 17, 2007

Commerce World poke Tour 10K, NBC Heads Up Championship & Jimmy Choo...

Poker tournaments are tough. I have been playing No Limit Hold Em tourneys for a few years now and have found it less satisfying than when I was grinding for a living in the cash games for the last 15 years. You can play to the best of your ability in a tournament and walk into a landmine or a donk and never recover. One shot and you’re gone. In the cash games your skill was more important than the luck factor so I have been reassessing my playing strategy and looks like I have found a formula that works for me – play fewer tournaments. Less has really been more as of late.

So I was off to my old stomping grounds in LA – Commerce Casino. It really meant a lot to me to make the money here in my hometown and to also continue my crazy run making it 6 for 6!
As tournaments go I pushed all in with a good Ace when we were down to 16 players but it was not good enough against K 10 as my opponent rivered a King. I feel a played good on the first 3 days but played a couple of hands weak late on day four. I’m very aware of the errors I have been making when I get deep and hope to keep improving with every one I play. Congrats to Eric Hershler for taking it down! Pretty impressive for you first go mate! I should have bet that A 10 dammit!!

Headed off to Vegas for the NBC Heads Up Championship at Caesar’s Palace. This was an elite field and I could not believe my draw which was done at the pairing party at Pure nightclub. Out of 3 females in my bracket only a few females I drew my good friend Clonie Gowen for my first match! Even though we did not want to play each other we played hard and I was able to get the cards and went on to the 2nd round where I was up against Isabelle “ No Mercy” Mercier! Fancy that, facing 2 women in a row. Since we all did not want to really play each other we made it a bit of fun out of it with a prop bet that had the loser had to buy the winner a pair of Jimmy Choo’s so I got to add 2 more pairs of Jimmy’s to my sick collection. Thanks to Christopher and the ladies at Jimmy Choo at the Forum Shops for the superstar treatment!

Scott Fischman was my next opponent and kept up the side bet tradition. Scott was not into women’s shoes however his lap dance t-shirt gave me the idea to have a side bet for lap dances. Scott played very strong against me but I was able to get hands at the right time and moved to the final 8. Chad Brown, the best poker playing actor I know, was my next and unfortunately last opponent. I sort of knocked out myself on this match. I was exhausted, frankly. I misread the board in a pot and never quite recovered from the error mentally. This is what happens when I play too many days in a row. Congrats to Chad and Paul Wasicka for taking it down.
I was pleased overall with the event and looking forward to wearing my new Jimmy’s to Scores in the future. Mori and Kathy know how to run world class events and their production teams are always professional and it was such a pleasure and honor to be invited to this event. Thanks to Pam, Marni, Dennis, Liz, Clonie,Emad,Ralph,Katie L. for the support! Thanks also to Stephanie and Yin Lee from Caesars spa for making me into a girl! Props to Shannon Elizabeth for playing like a champ and to fellow Full Tilter JJ Liu for her 2nd place finish at Bay 101! Girl Power!! So that’s 7 for 7 baby!

So after some thought, I’ll be taking the next 6 weeks off poker to get healthy and take care of my other interests. See you all at the Bellagio in April for the 25K World Poker Tour Championships where I plan to make it 8 for 8! Eye of the Tiger Baby!!!