Thursday, December 07, 2006

St. Kitts 14th place blow up...

Boy oh boy did I blow this one!! Had a real chance to pop this one off but I donked of my chips by NOT TAKING MY TIME! I really should know better by now to slow down and take my time on each and every decision. We were 4 handed at my table and I been the table "bitch" as they say for the last three pots ,playing aggro aggressive short handed style so I was a bit on tilt I suppose...... I popped it UTG with the ole' A6off and was hesitantly called by a relatively snug Swedish player named Fredrick....I believe he came in 5th or so...good game to him....anyhow..flop came down 876 and I overplayed my hand by going all in to his check on the flop...9 out 10 times this type of play worked against this player but I stupidly bet my whole stack instead of placing a feeler bet and getting off off the hand..Damn red bull does it every time......the moral of the story being TAKE YOUR TIME.!!! St Kitts was a lovely little island and I had a blast at Turtle Beach with my girl Pam.......Next stop for poker : Bellagio 15K WPT..should be fun......Happy Merry!!!


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