Friday, December 15, 2006

Belliagio 15K day one and my new friend,Mark Heying

After racing and smoking a red corvette on my favorite drive in the world, La to Vegas I feel the need to issue a warning to all boy racers: when driving your sweet little corvettes don’t dare challenge the power of my AMG unless you want your masculinity properly violated.....
Now to the 15K Bellagio event where I had the following two extremely sweet hands: The third hand of the deck comes down with a raise up front from a player I didn’t know so I called him with the ole’ QJd…..the flop came down k109 rainbow..good golly I flopped me the nuts you see….I bet half the pot after it was checked to me and the pre flop raiser smooth called….turn makes a low diamond giving me a flush draw as well…sweeter…he check raised me big and we got it all in and he turned over the QJs...I said diamonds are a girl’s best friend and “BOOM” there she was on the river…double up the first hand!! This next hand is even sweeter…I’m in the cutoff and look down to my first pair of Aces and think to myself I hope someone has Kings this hand so I can get them chips…low and behold it’s raised up front and called by Hoyt Corkins, A cool cat. I then raised a large amount and the small blind moves in for 30K followed by the initial raiser, Hoyt ponders and folds and I call and they both had Kings!! Can you believe it? Never has anything like that happened to me in a tourney or cash game….Yum Yum…
I’m sitting on a nice 105K stack going to day 2 so hopefully the poker Gods will shine on me again….stay tuned…
At the break I met a very nice boy named Mark Heying who is a poker fan and sweetheart…Thanks for the support to him and his family.

Mark and I


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