Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Bellagio 10K & European Vacation

Bellagio 10K & European vacation
Played the 10K event at the Bellagio...card ddddeeeeaaad the first day but ended the day with 30K..played well despite all the 9-4's and such.....poker is so funny that way..some days the cards just play hide and seek.....I really enjoy playing tourneys these days when I do which is only once a month at the most...anyhow...second day...out eary...I gambled in a 3-way pot with Tony Ma, a tough player and John Gale, one of the nicest players in the game, he busted me with his straight to my two pair.......that's poker....next stop : Prague, Amsterdam & NYC.....a pure pleasure trip with my cavedog....had a blast and now back in LA.......enjoying my time off and dabbling with my other interests...options trading and piano at the moment....so nice to be off the poker tour and play occasionally online and live. I've been preparing to retire from playing full time and have surpassed all of my goals.....Life is good!!....Next stop for poker : St Kitts at the end of November.....Suntan here I come!!!